….Steingrund Akustik leggur seg eftir at brúka hágóðsku merkir so sum L-Acoustics, Allen & Heath, Soundcraft, Midas, Robe og MA Lighting. Vit ráðgeva gjarna hvat ið hóskar seg best til akkurát tykkara tiltak. ..

Steingrund Akustik uses high quality brands like, L-Acoustics, Allen & Heath, Soundcraft, Midas, Robe and MA Lighting. We will consult on what system is best for your use-case. ….


Vit hava L-acoustics hátalarar til øll endamál. Nevnast kunnu KARA, SB18, KS28, SB28, X12, 8XT, Syva, Arcs og aðrir.

Vit hava breitt úrval av Midas, Allen & Heath og Soundcraft miksipultum. Bæði teir stórstu pultarnir so sum Heritage-D, C3500, Vi3000, Vi1, men eisini minni digitalir og analogir pultar.

Sí útgerð her ..


We stock L-Acoustics systems, including KARA, SB18, KS28, SB28, X12, 8XT, Syva, Arcs and others.

We have a broad selection of Midas, Allen & Heath and Soundcraft mixing consoles. Among others are Heritage-D, C3500, Vi3000, Vi1, as well as smaller digital and analog consoles.

See our equipment here



Hjá okkum fært tú ljósini til øll tiltøk, stór sum smá. Ynskir tú moving-heads, roykmaskinur, truss, taljur ella bara nøkur smá ljós til jólaveitsluna, so finnur tú tað her.

Úrvalið av útgerð veksur støðugt, so set teg í samband við okkum fyri at fáa eitt óbindandi tilboð.

Sí útgerð her ..


We stock quality fixtures from Robe, ADJ, Prolights and Chauvet, ready to tackle any gig. With moving heads, truss, smoke machines and staging, our ever growing collection of equipment will take your event to the next level.

See our equipment here



Tú kanst leiga kraftmiklar lasara uppvørpur, lørift, signalfordeiling, kamera og streaming teldur frá okkum.

Sí útgerð her ..


You can rent powerful laser projectors, screens, signal distribution, cameras and streaming equipment.

See our equipment here

